Donate / Пожертвование - Slavic Evangelical Church - Sulamita

Donate / Пожертвование

There are a few methods which can be used to donate to church:


We are using the online Breeze Community Church Service as another way to help you donate.

Use this link:

Text to give to this number:

(503) 714-7880‬

In order to use text to give, you will need to provide your credit card information once, simply:

  1. Text the amount you want to give and send
  2. Click on the link that will be sent back to you
  3. Provide card and personal info if this is your first time
  4. Done

Any time after the first time, simply text amount you want to give and all will be linked to your profile automatically.

All giving funds are tax-deductible and are transferred to the Church account directly.

If you would like to support a specific ministry, the following tags are available:

  • Mission
  • Kids
  • Youth

You can text “100 mission”, to donate 100 dollars to Sulamita Mission.

Please send you checks or money orders to Slavic Evangelical Church Sulamita at

20575 NE Sandy Blvd, Fairview, OR 97024

with name on the check or money order: “Slavic Evangelical Church Sulamita

Thank you for your generosity!