Dear members,

Our ministers met and prayed for the recent announcement of COVID-19.

Part of this announcement included a ban on holding large public meetings for 25 people or more. To fulfill this announcement, we will conduct all of our services online only. Although we will not meet in person, we are pleased to continue the “regular services” and participate in these events and services on the Internet.

We are so grateful for the technology that allows us to worship Jesus together!

Although we are confident that the Lord is in control of this situation, we acknowledge that in difficult situations there are people who may need help, especially the elderly in our congregation. If you or someone you know needs help, please do not hesitate to contact our church office or your cell leaders. Our cell teams would like to help in any way possible.

Gather your family, tune in, and join us at church online during our regular ministry times! God bless you!

For more information on how to broadcast our services, click here.